In this adrenaline-fuelled adventure in the number one bestselling series, Alex Rider is sent by MI6 Special Operations to infiltrate a new and sinister organization known only as Nightshade. Alex is on his own, with the fate of thousands of people resting in his hands.
Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider: Nightshade
Alex Rider: Nightshade
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One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
I thought this book was thrilling one of the best in the Alex Rider series. Alex has an adventure ahead of him, first a prisoner in Gibraltar next a wanted criminal in all newspapers! How is Alex going to get himself out of this one?
This book made me feel Happy, Sad, Excited, Curious, Scared, Intrigued, Amused, Moved, Like a Superhero
NiamhM( age 10 )
The best book ever!
This book made me feel Moved
Leo6722( age 10 )