The story follows Phileas Fogg, a wealthy man from London, who is a member of an elite social club. While at the club, Fogg makes a bet of £20,000 that he can travel around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by his valet Passepartout, the pair set out on an unforgettable journey across the world.
Travelling by boat, train, and elephant; they encounter many obstacles that they must overcome in order to arrive back in London before their 80 days run out.
Jules Verne Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
This book was magical and it draws you in reading it. It had a lot of fighting in it so I recommend if you are below the age of 7 do not read it.
This book made me feel Sad, Excited, Scared, Amused
Lucy4123( age 10 )