When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, post-apocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn’t the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human history forever, they’ll have to figure out a way to CHANGE IT BACK.
Dav Pilkey Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers (Captain Underpants #10)
Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers (Captain Underpants #10)
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