Thousands of years ago, the land is one dark forest. Its people are hunter-gatherers. They know every tree and herb and they know how to survive in a time of enchantment and powerful magic. Until an ambitious and malevolent force conjures a demon: a demon so evil that it can be contained only in the body of a ferocious bear that will slay everything it sees, a demon determined to destroy the world.
Michelle Paver Chronicles of Ancient Darkness – Wolf Brother
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness – Wolf Brother
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
I thought this book is very good and I recommend this book to more people my age to have the same experience I had. My favourite character would probably have to be wolf with his adorable face and cute eyes. I chose this book because my friend Lottie was reading it so I asked if I could read it. I suppose this book was fiction because it dose not sound real. My favourite part of this book would be when Torak got stuck in the ice river it was scared but exiting.
This book made me feel Excited, Scared
it about a kid that hes father dies and he lives with wolves and he is in a gang called the wolf gang and try to find info about about the rest of the gangs .
I recommend it!
This book made me feel Curious
A Very Exciting Story
I really enjoyed this story. It is exciting and full of amazing adventures. It is set in the olden days - 6,000 years ago - and is about a boy and a wolf cub. I liked all the adventures they have to go on to find the Mountain of the World Spirit and all the problems they have to solve on the way - like finding food, making fire and escaping from the demon bear! It is a very exciting story. I also really liked the way you get to see things from the point of view of the wolf cub and not just the boy. The really good thing is that there are 6 of these books in the series (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness) so after this one you still have 5 left to go! I am on number 3 at the moment (Soul Eater) and have really liked all of them so far.
Andrea ( AKL9’s parent )
Full of Adventure
This book is full of adventure and it is emotional. You learn about living in the wild and meet lots of characters. There is a mystery to solve and a mission for Torak to complete, finding friends along the way.
Sam ( Lauriebravo’s parent )
One of my Favourite Books
Wolf brother is one of my favourite books. It is set thousands of years ago at a time when magic had no boundaries and trusting your friend may mean trusting them with your life. A demon bear is terrorising the forest clans and it is up to Torak, Renn (a girl from the Raven Clan) and Wolf, to stop it. Their journey takes them ever further into unknown lands, ever closer to their fate.
This book made me feel Excited, Trusting
Jenny ( Moo’s parent )