The hilarious and magical adventures of everyone’s favourite flat hero – Flat Stanley. With brilliant new illustrations by the award winning author/illustrator Rob Biddulph. Magical things always happen to Stanley Lambchop . . . Stanley is very surprised when a big storm hits – and he turns completely invisible! At first it’s brilliant – he can get on the trail of some bank robbers and help his little brother with his magic tricks. But being invisible isn’t always easy . . . will Stanley ever reappear?
Jeff Brown Invisible Stanley (Flat Stanley)
Invisible Stanley (Flat Stanley)
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Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
Amazing and SOOOO fun! Really recommend it!
This book made me feel Happy, Excited, Curious, Intrigued, Amused
RobertPiggottYr6Hawthorn19_20( age 11 )