Jeanie’s Grandma is BAD. Not bad like a vampire or a gangster or anything, more like . . . up to no good. Sometimes she can be a bit embarrassing but most of the time she’s REALLY fun, especially when she gets Jeanie involved in her mischievous schemes. Everyone says she’s old enough to know better . . . but she doesn’t seem to care one bit. In fact, Jeanie thinks she might quite like it!
Sophy Henn Older Not Wiser (Bad Nana)
Older Not Wiser (Bad Nana)
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
I thought this book was amazing because it had great description and I thought it was very funny.
This book made me feel Excited, funney
Freya3522( age 9 )
It was a really funny book. It has cool pictures and Nana does crazy things.
I would recommend this book to Chloe.
This book made me feel Happy, Amused
Erin4144( age 8 )
This book was naughty and funny
This book was great, naughty, funny, interesting and AMAZING, and there was a furious musuem man.
This book made me feel Happy, Excited, Curious, Moved
LottieLeopard321( age 6 )
Sam ( LottieLeopard321’s parent )