The Level 6 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta, provide a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills.
Stories, More Stories A and More Stories B involve familiar situations and a variety of fantasy settings through the magic key adventures.Roderick Hunt Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: More Stories A: The Shiny Key
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: More Stories A: The Shiny Key
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
I thought this book was good because the children almost got locked in prison! But it was the cheeky magpie who was the thief! Another great magic key adventure....
This book made me feel Excited
Jackson4342( age 9 )