Joe, Beth, Frannie and cousin Rick go up the Faraway Tree for another fantastical adventure! This time, they reach the Land of Toys, where teddy bears, dolls and clockwork toys run around all day long. Poor Saucepan-Man gets thrown in prison by some toy soldiers and the children must rescue him before it’s too late…
Enid Blyton The Land of Toys: Colour Short Stories (A Faraway Tree Adventure)
The Land of Toys: Colour Short Stories (A Faraway Tree Adventure)
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
I thought this book was funny, mostly at the end because Saucepan man, Joe and Rick lost their clothes. Funny right? It also made me laugh when Rick had a toffee shock, and his mouth was full but then empty. I've never seen Moon face's bed before so that was interesting too.
This book made me feel Excited, Curious, Amused
Cordelia4242( age 7 )