In the next hilarious illustrated instalment of Tom Gates, Mr Fullerman has a class assignment: a family tree! Tom’s ready to learn all about the Gates family, his friends and a furry creature (or two!). But just what *is* that squeaking sound coming from Tom’s shoes?
Liz Pichon Tom Gates: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures (Book 12)
Tom Gates: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures (Book 12)
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KickStarter Books
Awesome books to inspire young readers.
One More Chapter!
Great books for parents to read with their children.
Ethan4152( age 7 )
I thought this book was funny and unique because there a lot of little stories
This book made me feel Happy
Lorenzo7833( age 11 )
This book was funny and made me laugh it was about Tom Gates and ended with his school project . There was unexpected turns which suprised me. I highly recomend this book to everyone especialy if you like diary's as it is written like one .
This book made me feel Excited
Indie6422( age 10 )
It made me feel hungry?!
This book made me feel Hungry
ThomasD( age 9 )
Lots of funny pictures
It's got lots of funny pictures and he puts dog star on them.
Redpandamouse( age 7 )